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Supplemental Hydravantage® in Sew Pigs: Effect on Performance and Economics

HydraVantage is a highly refined, flavored, soluble nutritional premix that can help the gut and immune system of pigs, especially during times of stress. HydraVantage contains fresh water humic acid (a source of nutrient-rich carbon) that can help support the immune system. It also contains butyric acid that provides energy to intestinal cells and Vitamin C that is a key antioxidant that can help improve performance in stressed pigs. In the trial shown (Table 1) below with SEW pigs (20 days old), we used HydraVantage at 2 ounces in 1 gallon of water to make a stock solution which was run through a medicator or proportioner set at 1:128. This nutritional supplement was used when the pigs arrived at the Kent Product Development Center for the first 9 days on test. After the 9-day period, all pigs received plain water for the remaining 25 days on test. The pigs were fed KNG NexGen grind and mix diets in 3 stages (Days 0-9, 9-20 and 20-34).


Table 1.
Effect of HydraVantage® (Used During Days 0-9) on Performance and Economics in Weanling Pigs
Group 1 2
# Pens 28 28
In. Wt., lb 13.45 13.53
Days 0-9
ADGa, lb .453 .497
F/Ga 1.133 1.070
Cost/lb Gaina, ¢ 36.40 34.39
Net Returna, $/Pig @ 80¢/lb Live Weight 1.80 2.05
Cost of water treatment/pig 1, $ 0.0 .08
Adjusted Net Return/pig 1.80 1.97
Days 0-34
ADGb, lb .763 .789
F/G 1.489 1.486
Cost/lb Gain, ¢ 24.25 24.28
Net Return, $/Pig @ 60¢/lb Live Weight 9.27 9.57
Cost of water treatment/pig 1, $ 0.0 .08
Adjusted Net Return/pig 9.27 9.49
KNG 4N-64; aHydraVantage effect (P < .05) ^;
bHydraVantage effect (P ≤ .10)^;
1$156/3 lb pail = $6.50/2 oz serving of HydraVantage; $6.50/128 gallons = $0.05 per gallon of water consumed^

We observed significant improvements in gain (9.7%), feed efficiency, feed cost of gain and net return (17 cents/pig advantage) during Days 0-9 from supplementing pigs with HydraVantage compared to no supplementation. In addition, there was a trend (3.4%) for greater overall gain (Days 0-34) from using HydraVantage for the first 9 days post-weaning. The $0.22/pig advantage in overall adjusted net return accounts for the investment of $0.08/pig for the HydraVantage. The adjusted net return is defined as the value of gain (using 60 cents/lb for Days 0-34) minus the feed cost for the gain minus the cost of the HydraVantage.

 Bottom Line

Using a natural and efficient delivery system with KNG’s HydraVantage, via water proportioners, has potential for positive performance and economic returns.

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